Eidetic Response - Cast of Characters

Litany KusaharaName:Litany Kusahara
Date of Birth:March 20th 2004 (12 yrs old)
Blood Type:O
Hair:Platinum Blonde
Eyes:Pale Blue
Hobbies:Girl's Comics, TV, Music, Knitting
Likes:Autumn, Drama, Dessert
Dislikes:Pessimism, Onions, Excessive Physical Activity
Personality:Idealistic, Enthusiastic, Emotional, Talkative

Litany Kusahara is an average girl in a strange new world.

Just a short while ago she was finishing her first semester of middle school in Yokohama, Japan. Then her father's business displaced her half a world away to the coastal city of Newport, Canada. Now she eagerly seeks to create a grand new life for herself in this foreign land.

Although she was the best english student at her previous school, she sometimes finds it difficult to convey her ideas as naturally as those around her. This coupled with the culture shock of her surroundings occasionally leaves her disoriented and confused. Even so, Litany carries on with a smile on her face, looking to forge a perfect high school life filled with friends, fun, drama and romance that is exemplified by her favorite books, TV dramas and movies.

It couldn't be all that difficult.


could it?

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