Sluggy Freelance by Pete Abrams
One of the most popular comics on the web. Still going strong after more than six years. Updates daily.
Megatokyo by Fred Gallagher
This is the webcomic among American anime fans. Cute drawing style. Updates triweekly.
Sinfest by Tatsuya Ishida - WARNING: Mature Content
The best newspaper-style strip to never get picked up by the syndicates. Stylish design. Updates daily.
RPG World by Ian Jones-Quartey
A fun adventure comic that satirizes console RPG games. Updates triweekly.
Okashina Okashi by Emily Snodgrass
Another satire comic; this time focusing on the various genres of anime/manga. Updates triweekly.
8-Bit Theatre by Brian Clevinger
A very entertaining videogame sprite comic; one of the best. Updates triweekly.
Penny Arcade by Krahulik & Holkins
The comic to read if you're a videogame fan. Their news section is a good read for gamers. Updates triweekly.
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki by Kittyhawk
"Odd name" you say? That's just the beginning. Updates weekly.